HLS Holz Logistik Service GmbH was founded in 2013 in Erfurt, Germany. We specialise in roundwood (saw logs, pulpwood) and sawmill by-products. We primarily serve customers in the paper and wood-pulp industry, and the sawmill and panel industry, most of whom are based in Germany and neighbouring countries.

We’re committed to building lasting relationships founded on trust and respect. That’s why we work hard to nurture and grow our cross-border network of long-standing suppliers and customers.

As well as our strengths in trading roundwood and sawmill by-products, we also have a wealth of expertise in timber harvesting and logistics.

We’re a highly experienced provider of professional timber services with an excellent network of partners. Supported by our skilled harvesting specialists, we can arrange any kind of timber transport and will always find an efficient solution for the specific needs of our suppliers.

Selecting the right mode of transport and the best route for your wood often presents logistical challenges that require special expertise. We’re familiar with the many options available and can arrange reliable, effective transportation.

Whether your wood travels by rail, road or water, we’ll ensure that the process is as cost-effective as it is smooth. It’s our aim to bring the most value to everyone involved.

Our enthusiastic and knowledgeable team is here to support you with your timber needs. Speak to one of our regional advisors today!


A partnership with HLS HOLZ is like a firm handshake you can rely on. Professional implementation and fulfilment of the agreed terms are a matter of course for us.


Our diverse product mix allows us to accept almost all types of wood and to offer a consistent supply to the wood processing industry.


Our customers and suppliers appreciate the advantage of regional competence and direct local representation.

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